Basic User Navigation:
The main search screen is simple, and consists of the two search boxes "what" and "where." If someone would like to broaden the search, she could leave one of the boxes blank. When the search results are loaded on the next screen, the layout is still easy to follow. By using the refine options on the left side of the screen, the user can easily limit the search based on salary, job title, location, other options. When she is satisfied, she can review the results easily. An example of a result is below:
Nursing Assistant Saint Joseph Hospital - Chicago, IL
duties to assist the nursing staff in meeting patient... Diploma or equivalent. * Certification as a nursing assistant required after January 2008 OR One semester... From Resurrection Health Care - 19 hours ago - save job - more
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View all Saint Joseph Hospital jobs
Salary Search: Nursing Assistant salaries in Chicago, IL
More information about Saint Joseph Hospital
Related forums: Nursing Assistant - St. Joseph Hospital - Chicago, Illinois
Permanent link to this job
Notice how much information is actually packed into this summary? The user can obviously see the "what," "where," and "when" of the job, but she can also dig a bit deeper. She can choose to view more jobs at the same hospital, she can research salaries, read forum posts and more. All of this without creating a profile or login.
And then there's "more."
If she clicks on "more," some of the same choices are offered, as well as options to "Research the Company on Google" and to use social websites like Facebook to use the power of networking. See example below:
View all Saint Joseph Hospital jobs
Salary Search: Nursing Assistant salaries in Chicago, IL
More information about Saint Joseph Hospital
Related forums: Nursing Assistant - St. Joseph Hospital - Chicago, Illinois
Research company on Google
Find my contacts: Facebook - LinkedIn
Map of Chicago, IL
Permanent link to this job
More advanced users can use the Advanced Job Search to refine the search again. I especially like to choose the option "with none of these words" to eliminate some repeated or incorrect searches.
Deciding to create a profile:
Like I mentioned before, Indeed can be used without creating a profile, but if the user would like, it is easy to set up. Doing so allows for the user to save jobs and searches, set up job alerts, and post on the job forum.
Things to Watch out For:
Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution to helping people find a job. With this particular website, the "devil is in the details"-- meaning that users have to be smart about choosing their search terms. Using the keyword "teacher" lends itself to a more clear-cut job search than other search terms might. For example, compare the difference in results when one chooses to look for a job as a "secretary" or "administrative assistant." Not only are the results different, but the sheer number of postings is different as well. At the time of this search, "secretary, Chicago" only resulted in 277 results whereas "administrative assistant, Chicago" resulted in over 900 results. The lesson here is that beginning searchers might need some help in focusing and expanding their job search.
An additional concern is that while Indeed is a great place to find jobs, it can be frustrating for the beginning searcher to apply for a posting. This is because once the user clicks on the result, it takes them to the website it was originally posted. This means that she might also have to create a new username or profile for that website as well. Additionally, some of these original postings could be dubious posts or even a scam. As always, it's best to search diligently and use one's gut instincts about a post or website.
Although there are a few concerns, this is still hands-down, my favorite website to use when assisting patrons with basic searches.
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